When emergencies occur, rapid medical treatment exponentially increases the chance of survival. United Rescue’s network of trained and equipped community-based volunteers help save lives in Jersey City by providing medical treatment in 3 minutes on average. Our volunteers are ready to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Everyday people die waiting for the ambulance when help could be next door. Victims of trauma (heart attack, stroke, choking, bleeding, etc.) often need medical attention before the ambulance arrives.
Ambulance response times in the U.S. range from 8-14 minutes on average. However, brain death or mortality begins 6 minutes after cardiac arrest. Every minute and second counts when it comes to saving lives!
Using trained and equipped volunteers in their neighborhoods, and leveraging the latest technology, United Rescue volunteers are able to respond to medical 911 calls before the ambulance arrives. Our average response time is only 3 minutes.
United Rescue partners with city governments and community leaders to deploy its GPS-enabled service. We provide the technology, help source the capital, and support volunteer recruitment and training efforts. The program is administered by the local emergency authorities in each city.
“The difference between arriving in 90 seconds and five minutes is very often the difference between life and death. The goal of United Rescue is to crowd source emergency first response, to enable those who are trained and equipped to save lives to do so, and to be immediately followed by the ambulance.”
- Mark Gerson, Chairperson United Hatzalah
9 Years
We've been helping to save lives in Jersey City
3 Minutes
Our average response time to a medical emergency
100+ Hours
Training our volunteers receive